Reyburn Key Recovery is integrated into the Reyburn Pianoworks shop which enable the highest levels of service. We only provide premium keytops including Reyburn Ivocor, Kluge Ivoplast, Kluge Tharan, and Elforyn Super Tusk(synthetic ivory). Additionally we provide advanced key repairs including key bushing and re-wooding.
If you are interested in having us service your old piano keys than please contact Aaron Reyburn at (616) 263-7090

For more Reyburn family products
Reyburn CyberTuner webiste cybertuner.reyburn.com
Reyburn Pianoworks Website reyburnpianoworks.com
Reyburn Tools Website reyburntools.com
Request a Quote
We will be happy to respond within 1 business day.
email us at reyburnkeyrecovery@gmail.com