Photo Gallery
We routinely use time tested skills and tools paired with modern technology to achieve a premium product.

Demo keys for conventions. Acrylic,White Ivocor, Ivoplast, Tharan, Elforyn, Black Ivorcor

Black Ivocor with blacked keystick

New wood added to Steinway with large gaps. Will be sanded to proper spacing and keytops applied.

Steinway keyset with wood added and Tharan keytops installed.

Seybold upright key 1 before/after

Seybold Upright before/after

Mason & Hamlin upright recovered in Tharan

Mason & Hamlin upright recovered with Tharan. Little to no leveling required.

New acrylic on and old upright keyset

Acrylic on a a mid sized grand

Small upright keyset recovered with molded acrylic

Yamaha U1 with molded acrylic

Tharan on a new RPW keyset

Wood crumbling off the keystick requiring new wood

3/32” wood removed for new wood cap

Spruce cap replacing old crumbling wood on keystick

A damaged key button mortise in need of repair

damaged wood was removed and replaced neatly.

A key button repaired with basswood and lightly finished.

Upright Steinway with key stick damage below keytop from previous recovery

Upright Steinway key stick repaired with Sitka spruce to ensure keytops are adhered evenly and maintains a uniform key height.

A full set of Elforyn super tusk displaying the subtle color differences

Elforyn super tusk synthetic ivory

Cutting Elforyn key fronts to match the tops

Elforyn Super Tusk on a S&S model O

Elforyn on a completed re-wooding of a S&S O

Custom key lip router patter

Tharan, Ivoplast, and Elforyn arrive in 52 raw 1" x 6" blanks

A roughly milled Tharan keytop needing only to be final shaped and buffed

Keys about to receive new tops

New Gabon ebony sharps

You'll want your capstans buffed. I promise.

Steinway & Sons intuition piano with new acrylics and bushings.

Freshly resurfaced keys awaiting new tops and fronts

Key stick was too damaged below the old so they were resurfaced and new wood added onto them.

gluing now keytops onto the old key sticks with our custom key clamp

freshly shaped and buffed keytops

We offer different custom sharps apart from the traditional kind.